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03442.com.ar   03/04/2021   Actualidad. 03442. Entre Ríos - Concepción del Uruguay.   19/07/2020   Milk Magazine.

48hills.org   10/02/2019

74.ru   03/04/2021   Новости Челябинска. Главные Новости Сегодня.   09/01/2016   ZARABANDA (en sus dos formatos: papel y digital), se define como plataforma cultural de actividades deportivas, y de opinión general, donde caben las opiniones de todos aquellos que quieran o tengan algo que decir,... ¡Si tu también tienes algo que decir, DILO!...

aacijournal.biomedcentral.com   16/04/2018

aapt.scitation.org/journal/ajp   02/05/2021   Welcome to the American Journal of Physics (AJP). AJP publishes papers that meet the needs and intellectual interests of college and university physics teachers and students. AJP was established in 1933 under the title the American Physics Teacher, which covers Volumes 1 through 7. The name was changed to the American Journal of Physics in 1940.

aawsat.com   03/01/2016   Asharq Al-Awsat is the world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, printed simultaneously each day on four continents in 14 cities. Launched in London in 1978, Asharq Al-Awsat has established itself as the decisive publication on pan-Arab and international affairs, offering its readers in-depth analysis and exclusive editorials, as well as the most comprehensive coverage of the entire Arab world.

aaww.org   19/07/2020   The Asian American Writers’ Workshop (AAWW) is devoted to creating, publishing, developing and disseminating creative writing by Asian Americans, and to providing an alternative literary arts space at the intersection of migration, race, and social justice. Since our founding in 1991, we have been dedicated to the belief that Asian American stories deserve to be told.

abm.ojs.inecol.mx/index.php/abm   05/11/2020   Acta Botanica Mexicana da a conocer trabajos originales e inéditos en todas las áreas de la botánica, incluyendo florística, taxonomía, taxones nuevos para la ciencia, ecología, etnobotánica, paleontología, evolución, conservación.

abpo.revues.org   02/10/2016

abpo.revues.org/891   02/10/2016

abs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/abs   18/07/2020   Acta Biologica Szegediensis is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the University of Szeged yearly, in two issues per volume. Acta Biologica Szegediensis publishes novel findings in various fields of biology with focus on innovative research in modern experimental life sciences.

abstractairanica.revues.org   22/08/2016

academic.oup.com/acn   03/12/2020   Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. The journal publishes original contributions dealing with psychological aspects of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders arising out of dysfunction of the central nervous system.

academic.oup.com/afraf   06/01/2021   African Affairs is published on behalf of the Royal African Society and is the top ranked journal in African Studies. It is an inter-disciplinary journal, with a focus on the politics and international relations of sub-Saharan Africa.

academic.oup.com/ahr/issue/125/5   15/01/2021   The American Historical Review. Oxford Academic. The American Historical Association (AHA) was founded in 1884 and chartered by Congress in 1889 to serve the interests of the entire discipline of history.

academic.oup.com/ajcn   02/05/2021   The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The most highly rated peer-reviewed, primary research journal in nutrition and dietetics, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) publishes the latest research on topics in nutrition, such as obesity, vitamins and minerals, nutrition and disease, and energy metabolism.

academic.oup.com/aler   25/01/2021

academic.oup.com/analysis   19/07/2020   Analysis, which was founded in 1933, is the most established and esteemed journal for short papers in philosophy. We are happy to publish excellent short papers in any area of philosophy. Analysis is now printed with the journal Analysis Reviews. Analysis Reviews is devoted to reviewing recent work in analytic philosophy.

academic.oup.com/envhis   16/01/2021   Environmental History. Oxford Academic. This interdisciplinary journal addresses issues relating to human interactions with the natural world over time, and includes insights from history, geography, anthropology, the natural sciences, and many other disciplines.

academic.oup.com/icon   20/12/2020   International Journal of Constitutional Law. Published in association with the New York University School of Law, ICON is dedicated to advancing the study of international and comparative constitutional law in the broadest sense of the terms.

academic.oup.com/journals   16/05/2020   Journals. Oxford Academic.

academic.oup.com/journals/pages/journals_a_to_z   23/02/2020   Journals A to Z. Oxford Academic.

academic.oup.com/mind   14/12/2020   MIND has long been a leading journal in philosophy. For well over 100 years it has published the best new work in all areas of the subject. MIND is well known for cutting edge philosophical papers in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, and philosophy of mind.

academic.oup.com/ser   13/07/2020   Socio-Economic Review. Oxford Academic. Originating in the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Socio-Economic Review (SER) is part of a broader movement in the social sciences for the rediscovery of the socio-political foundations of the economy.

academic.oup.com/wbro   12/11/2020   The World Bank journals enjoy the largest circulation of any economics title; the Research Observer is freely distributed to more than 9,100 subscribers in non-OECD countries. The World Bank Research Observer seeks to inform nonspecialist readers about research being undertaken within the Bank and outside the Bank in areas of economics relevant for development policy.

academic.oup.com/yielaw   12/11/2020   New to Oxford Journals in 2011, the Yearbook of International Environmental Law was established in 1990 and since then has become a renowned publication. YIEL has become a vital source of information and analysis in the crucial and rapidly evolving field that is environmental law.

accesosinlimites.com   10/05/2018   Periodismo Sin Limites

achacachi.blogspot.com   03/04/2019   The Achacachi Post. Online News.

acta.chem-soc.si   11/10/2020

addisonindependent.com   22/10/2020   Addison County Independent. The Addison Independent was founded in 1946 with the closing of the Middlebury Register. The AI has always been a family-owned independent newspaper. The Addison Independent is as much a part of the local community as many of the institutions covered on the front page.

adevarul.ro   27/11/2019   Stiri de ultima ora, bloguri si comunitate. Cele mai importante stiri ale zilei si mediu de dezbateri online pe Adevarul.

advances.sciencemag.org   09/08/2020   Science Advances is the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) open access multidisciplinary journal, publishing impactful research papers and reviews in any area of science, in both disciplinary-specific and broad, interdisciplinary areas.

advertiserdemocrat.com   24/05/2018   The Advertiser Democrat.

aem.asm.org   02/05/2021   Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) publishes study results that make significant contributions to applied microbial research, basic microbial ecology research, and genetic and molecular investigations of microbial topics of practical value.

aeon.co   02/05/2021   Aeon is a magazine of ideas and culture. We publish in-depth essays, incisive articles, and a mix of original and curated videos — free to all.

aerostories.free.fr   03/04/2017

aestheticamagazine.com   10/08/2020

agendaglobal.redtercermundo.org.uy   19/08/2017

agroplovdiv.bg   18/05/2020   Агро Пловдив. Бизнес новини и земеделие, пари, разследвания, коментари и истински истории с цветовете на живота.

ahc.leeds.ac.uk/medieval   02/04/2020   The Institute for Medieval Studies. We are one of the major centres for Medieval Studies in the UK and recently celebrated our 50th anniversary. We offer interdisciplinary teaching at postgraduate level with both masters and PhD courses. We also offer discovery modules for undergraduate students with an interest in the medieval period.

aif.centre-mersenne.org   30/05/2020

aip.scitation.org   24/04/2020   Scitation. AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Our portfolio comprises highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals, including a growing portfolio of Open Access titles, that cover all areas of the physical sciences.

airman.dodlive.mil   05/12/2020   Airman Magazine. The Official Magazine of the Air Force.

al-akhbar.com   16/01/2021   Al-Akhbar. صدر العدد الأوّل من «الأخبار» في 14 آب 2006 بعد 33 يوماً من العدوان الاسرائيلي على لبنان. إنطلاقة صعبة لكنها «مغامرة محسوبة» كما قال مؤسسها جوزف سماحة في افتتاحيته الأولى.

albalondres.com   18/11/2020   Alba Londres Magazine. Culture in translation. Given the interest in Hispanic culture and the constant cultural exchanges taking place in London in its booming literary-artistic-intellectual arena, we believe that alba Londres will fill a void and invite the production of new material of this sort.

aldaily.com   16/12/2020   Arts & Letters Daily. Ideas, criticism, debate. Philosophy, literature, ideas, criticism, history, art, music from The Chronicle of Higher Education.

almostisland.com   17/01/2021   Almost Island is a space for literature that threatens, confronts, or bypasses the marketplace. Founded by prose writer Sharmistha Mohanty, the space began with this online journal, then expanded to an international writers dialogue, held every year in New Delhi. Almost Island publishes two issues a year.

alternativaseconomicas.coop   26/06/2020   Alternativas Económicas es una revista que te explica la economía y sus efectos en la vida de las personas. ¿Cómo nos afectan los cambios en la regulación laboral o fiscal, en pensiones, sanidad, educación o vivienda? Es el tipo de preguntas que nos formulamos, y que intentamos responder con pedagogía y rigor.

amandala.com.bz   25/12/2020   Amandala Newspaper. Belize's Leading Newspaper. Amandala, a biweekly newspaper published on Tuesdays and Fridays, was founded as an organ of the United Black Association for Development (UBAD), which emerged on August 13, 1969.

americandiplomacy.web.unc.edu   23/02/2021   American Diplomacy is an online quarterly founded in 1996 by Dr. Henry E. Mattox and Ambassador (ret) T. Frank Crigler. The journal is open-access and peer-reviewed.

andaluciainformacion.es   01/05/2021   Andalucía Información. Todas las noticias de Andalucía.

annalemma.net   30/05/2020

annales.univ-mosta.dz   30/05/2020

annalesdejanua.edel.univ-poitiers.fr   30/05/2020

ann-clinmicrob.biomedcentral.com   09/04/2021   Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials considers good quality, novel and international articles of more than regional relevance; the journal covers the clinical microbiology of bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as antimicrobial treatment of infectious diseases.

anoiadiari.cat   07/02/2016   Anoiadiari és el primer diari digital de la comarca, que neix per cobrir el buit existent al territori de premsa en aquest format electrònic.

anthling.sitehost.iu.edu   16/01/2021   Anthropological Linguistics. Anthropological Linguistics, a quarterly journal founded in 1959, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of the languages and cultures of the peoples of the world, especially the native peoples of the Americas.

anthropoetics.ucla.edu   27/03/2020   Anthropoetics, founded in 1995 as UCLA’s first Open Access journal, is devoted to Generative Anthropology, which studies the works of human culture on the hypothesis that language, religion, art, and all things specifically human can be traced to a unique scene of origin. The Chronicles of Love & Resentment have been available since 1995 and number over 600.

antiguachronicle.net   08/09/2018   Antigua Chronicle. Breaking & Developing News.

antipod.uniandes.edu.co/index.php/es   21/10/2016   Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología es una publicación cuatrimestral (enero-abril, mayo-agosto y septiembre-diciembre) que circula al inicio de cada periodo señalado, creada en 2005 y financiada por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

aobpla.oxfordjournals.org   12/12/2016   AoB PLANTS is an open-access, online journal that has been publishing peer-reviewed articles since 2010, with an emphasis on all aspects of environmental and evolutionary plant biology. Published by Oxford University Press, this journal is dedicated to rapid publication of research articles, reviews, commentaries and short communications.

aperture.org/magazine   30/07/2017   Aperture, a not-for-profit foundation, connects the photo community and its audiences with the most inspiring work, the sharpest ideas, and with each other—in print, in person, and online.

aquilanoticia.com   17/10/2020   Aquí La Noticia. Noticias argentinas las 24hs. Aquí la Noticia es un periodico local de los distritos de San Miguel, Malvinas Argentinas y José C. Paz

arbiteronline.com   30/09/2020   The Arbiter. Boise State Independent Student Newspaper. The Arbiter is the official independent student news source of Boise State, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions.

arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/index   23/04/2021   Arbor es una revista electrónica que aborda todos los campos de la ciencia en acceso abierto e invita al debate desde el pensamiento científico (ISSN 0210-1963 y eISSN 1988-303X). Está editada por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

arca.bnc.cat/arcabib_pro/ca/inicio/inicio.do   07/11/2020   Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues. ARCA és un portal d'accés obert que inclou publicacions periòdiques tancades que han estat representatives dins la cultura i la societat catalana.

arche.by   24/06/2020   Arche. Мысьлі Крытычна.

archive.archaeology.org   07/05/2018   Archaeology Magazine Archive - Back Issues. Browse or search past online issues of Archaeology Magazine. Ordering information for back issues still in print. The full texts of newsbriefs, reviews, and selected longer articles of back issues from 1996 to present are available free online, plus abstracts of other departments and features.

arique.50webs.com   17/10/2020   Arique, revista de poesía. Hace diez años comenzó en Matanzas la saga de Arique, una publicación artesanal con sueños de  revista y de poesía. Nacía para ofrecer un espacio alternativo a escritores poco conocidos sin acceso a las publicaciones oficiales.

arnoldia.arboretum.harvard.edu   02/05/2021   Arnold Arboretum. Arnoldia. As the quarterly magazine of the Arnold Arboretum, Arnoldia has a long history of publishing interdisciplinary writing about trees and other temperate woody plants. The magazine was established as the Bulletin of Popular Information in 1911.

artichokereadings.com   18/11/2020   Die Lese- und Publikationsreihe artiCHOKE gibt es seit 2015. Idealerweise findet sie vier Mal im Jahr statt. Bei artiCHOKE treffen sich Lyriker*innen aus deutsch- und anderssprachigen Kontexten, deren Schnittpunkte Diskussion und Austausch versprechen.

artreview.com   24/05/2019   Founded in 1949, ArtReview is one of the world’s leading international contemporary art magazines, dedicated to expanding contemporary art’s audience and reach.

asianart.com   02/05/2021   Asian Arts, the on-line journal for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia.

atlasmag.dk   24/06/2020   ATLAS er et uafhængigt journalistisk samtidsmagasin, der udkommer løbende på nettet og fire gange om året på print. ATLAS har siden sin begyndelse i 2010 haft en ambition om at være et velskrevet alternativ i en medieverden, hvor nyt er bedst og først er størst. Med en spændvidde, der dækker politik, kultur og samfund skriver vi om alt det, der sker omkring os.

awoko.org   09/11/2016

aynrandstudies.com   28/11/2020   The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies is a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study of Ayn Rand and her times. The journal is not aligned with any advocacy group, institute, or person. It aims to foster scholarly dialogue through a respectful exchange of ideas. The journal is published biannually.

bangordailynews.com   15/05/2020   Bangor Daily News. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries from the Bangor Daily News.

baztech.icm.edu.pl   21/08/2020   Baz Tech jest bibliograficzno-abstraktową bazą danych rejestrującą od 1998 r. artykuły z 727 polskich czasopism z zakresu nauk technicznych, ścisłych i ochrony środowiska. Baz Tech rozwija się w kierunku pełnotekstowej bazy cytowań.

bbj.hu   13/07/2020   The Budapest Business Journal on the web. Hungary’s largest and oldest source of business and financial news about Hungary in English. Not just for expats.

benthamscience.com   27/03/2020   Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical (STM) publisher, providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology. Our peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books have an ever-increasing readership of millions of researchers worldwide.

benthamscience.com/journals/current-topics-in-medicinal-chemistry   02/05/2021   Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry is a forum for the review of areas of keen and topical interest to medicinal chemists and others in the allied disciplines. Each issue is solely devoted to a specific topic, containing six to nine reviews, which provide the reader a comprehensive survey of that area.

benthamscience.com/journals/mini-reviews-in-medicinal-chemistry   02/05/2021   Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry covers all areas of medicinal chemistry including developments in rational drug design, synthetic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, high-throughput screening, combinatorial chemistry, drug targets, and natural product research and structure-activity relationship studies.

bethelcitizen.com   24/05/2018   The Bethel Citizen. Serving Bethel and Western Maine Communities.

bg.mondediplo.com   18/05/2020   Монд дипломатик.

bibvirtual.ucla.edu.ve/pcyt   15/06/2018   Publicaciones en Ciencias y Tecnología es una revista de investigación científica, arbitrada e indizada, adscrita al Decanato de Ciencias y Tecnología de la Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” (UCLA).

bombmagazine.org   31/01/2020   BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all disciplines since 1981. BOMB’s founders—New York City-based artists and writers—created BOMB because they saw a disparity between the way artists talked about their work among themselves and the way critics described it.

books.google.es/books?id=qR8DAAAAMBAJ   09/03/2018   Popular Science (May 1872 - Mar 2009)   gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

books.google.es/books?id=UaUGpW8M_KMC   19/01/2018   Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

brightlightsfilm.com   18/12/2020   Bright Lights Film Journal. Pop reviews and in-depth analyses of current and classic films from around the world.

brookingsregister.com   07/03/2019   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Brookings, South Dakota. The Brookings Register. The best source for breaking and local news serving Brookings, South Dakota. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, school sports, event calendar, real estate, and public announcements.

businessinsavannah.com   27/07/2017

cabinetmagazine.org   19/07/2020   Cabinet. Founded as a non-profit in 2000, Cabinet is an award-winning quarterly magazine of art and culture based in New York that confounds expectations of what is typically meant by the words “art,” “culture,” and sometimes even “magazine.”

cadernodacritica.wordpress.com   22/06/2020   Caderno da crítica. Literatura galega. Blog de Ramón Nicolás.

catarsimagazin.cat   06/01/2021   Catarsi. Revista de pensament crític en català. Innovar per transformar. Catarsi neix per reforçar i fer avançar les idees de l'esquerra. Publiquem entrevistes, anàlisis i reflexions anb perspectiva materialista.

catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks   05/02/2016   The Risks Digest. Forum On Risks To The Public In Computers And Related Systems. ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator.

cavallfort.cat   23/04/2020   Cavall Fort. Editora de les revistes infantils en català Cavall Fort i El Tatano.

caves.org/pub/journal   27/02/2019   Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. ISSN 1090-6924. A publication of the National Speleological Society. Formerly the Bulletin of the National Speleological Society. The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is a multi-disciplinary, refereed journal published four times a year by the National Speleological Society, 6001 Pulaski Pike, Huntsville, Alabama 35810-1122.

cbmjournal.springeropen.com   01/04/2017

charliehebdo.fr   09/01/2017   Charlie Hebdo. Journal satirique, laïque, politique et joyeux, toutes les semaines en kiosque et tous les jours sur internet. Un pas de côté sur l’actualité, tous les mercredis en kiosque et du lundi au vendredi sur le web.

chicago.suntimes.com   02/02/2021   Chicago Sun-Times: Chicago news, sports, politics, entertainment. The Hardest-Working Paper in America.

cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu   10/09/2018   Current Issues in Education (CIE) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic education journal produced by doctoral students at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University. The journal publishes articles on a broad range of education topics that are timely and have relevance in the field of education both nationally and internationally.

cincodias.elpais.com   16/12/2020   Ediciones Cinco Días. Noticias de última hora sobre economía, mercados, pymes y emprendedores, empresas, finanzas y tecnología en Cinco Días y EL PAÍS Economía.

cinema-scope.com   27/01/2021   Cinema Scope. Expanding the Frame on International Cinema.

citron.co.il   28/01/2021   Citron. Info Israel: l’informations en direct d’Israël 24h/24 et 6j/7.

clintonnews.net/pages   26/08/2017

clio.rediris.es   22/04/2020   Proyecto Clio. History and History teaching. Revista de Historia y didáctica de la Historia y las Ciencias Sociales.

coastalobserver.com   08/06/2020   Coastal Observer. Pawleys Island, South Carolina.

commonplace.online   12/07/2020   Welcome to Commonplace, a destination for exploring and exchanging ideas about early American history and culture. A bit less formal than a scholarly journal, a bit more scholarly than a popular magazine,Commonplace speaks—and listens—to scholars, museum curators, teachers, hobbyists, and just about anyone interested in American history before 1900.

commons.com.ua   24/06/2020   Спільне: Журнал Соціальної Критики. Усвідомлення Сучасного Економіко-Політичного Стану Суспільства.

concretoazul.cl   21/11/2020   Concreto Azul. Revista. Concreto Azul es un espacio de investigación sobre las relaciones entre arte y política, cultura y sociedad. El punto de origen de sus transmisiones es Valparaíso pero se abre a la comunicación con otras experiencias y esfuerzos en otros lugares.

content.iospress.com   27/03/2020   IOS Press is an independent, international STM publishing house established in 1987 in Amsterdam. One of our guiding principles is to embrace the benefits a lean organization offers. While our goal is to keep things simple, we strive to meet the highest professional standards. Our business practices are straightforward, transparent and ethical.

correodelsur.com   24/02/2019

corrientes.tucorrientes.com   20/12/2020   Tu Corrientes. Corrientes. Noticias, Sociales, Deportes, Agenda de Eventos, Actualidad.

critica.filosoficas.unam.mx/index.php/critica   02/05/2021   Crítica, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, es una publicación del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Crítica, junto con varias generaciones de filósofos, tanto de habla castellana como inglesa, ha colaborado en el establecimiento de la tradición analítica particularmente en los países de habla hispana.

criticamarxista.net   12/05/2020   Critica marxista online. Analisi e contributi per ripensare la sinistra.

criticanarede.com   12/05/2020   A Crítica é uma publicação dedicada à filosofia, fundada em 1997 por Desidério Murcho. Recebe cerca de 100 mil leitores por mês.

cronica.gt   02/05/2021   Cronica Mundo completo de noticias. Encuentra toda la información nacional e internacional.

ctxt.es   24/08/2020   Ctxt. Revista Contexto, análisis, contexto político, económico y cultural.

culanth.org   17/02/2017   Cultural Anthropology (print ISSN 0886-7356; online ISSN 1548-1360) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. Established in 1986, the journal publishes four issues per year and is widely abstracted and indexed.

culturainquieta.com   01/05/2021   Cultura Inquieta. El objetivo principal de Cultura Inquieta es democratizar y popularizar la cultura y las artes haciéndolas accesibles a todo el mundo independientemente de su pasaporte, cuenta bancaria, edad o creencias.

cvc.cervantes.es/trujaman   01/05/2021   El Trujamán es una publicación periódica del Centro Virtual Cervantes, publicada en colaboración con ACE-Traductores y su revista Vasos Comunicantes y dedicada en exclusiva a la traducción en todos sus aspectos. Intenta, de modo sistemático, exponer las reflexiones de los traductores vinculados con la cultura hispánica.

cy.revues.org   29/10/2017

cyberhumanitatis.uchile.cl   10/11/2019   Cyber Humanitatis. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad de Chile.

czaskultury.pl   24/06/2020   Czas Kultury. Kwartalnik społeczno-kulturalny. Czasopismo kulturalne; czasopismo naukowe, polska nauka w języku angielskim, recenzje, omówienia, aktualności kulturalne.

dariknews.bg   18/05/2020   Новини от България и света. Darik News ви предоствя актуални новини от България и света, бизнес новини, спортни новини, прогнози за времето, видео репортажи, анализи и коментари.

democratherald.com   04/05/2018

deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws   22/08/2017

dergipark.org.tr   03/01/2021   Dergi Park. Tübitak Ulakbim çatısı altında, Türkiye'de yayınlanan akademik hakemli dergiler için elektronik ortamda barındırma ve editoryal süreç yönetimi hizmeti sunar. DergiPark, ulusal akademik dergilerin standartlara uygun olarak varlık kazanmasına ve uluslararası görünürlüğünün artırılmasına destek olur.

dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tcd   03/01/2021   Türk Coğrafya Dergisi 1943 yılında Türk Coğrafyacıların bilimsel çalışmalarını uluslararası bilim dünyasına duyurmak üzere çıkarılmaya başlanmıştır. 1974 yılında basılan 26. sayısına kadar bazen sürekli, bazen aralıklarla yayın hayatına devam eden dergimizi, bu tarihten sonra 18 yıl süre ile yayınlamak mümkün olmamıştır.

derive.at   24/06/2020   Dérive. Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung.

deverdaddigital.com   13/01/2021   Diario De Verdad Digital. Periódico, prensa independiente.

dialogue.acpcpa.ca/en/index.html   01/04/2016   Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie. Dialogue is published quarterly by Cambridge University Press for the Canadian Philosophical Association with grant support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

diariocorreo.pe   25/02/2019

diariodelhuila.com   02/05/2021   Diario del Huila. Últimas noticias de Neiva y el Huila, fotos, videos, últimas noticias de Neiva, Huila y región sur colombiana.

diariodelistmo.com   19/05/2020   Diario del Istmo. Últimas noticias en Veracruz y en México, sigue la información las 24 horas.

diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br   14/05/2016   Diário do Nordeste. Últimas notícias de futebol, esportes, política, economia, concursos, classificados, empregos, cinema, trânsito em Fortaleza e no Ceará é no Diário do Nordeste. Notícias atualizadas, matérias, reportagens, entrevistas, vídeos e fotos de Fortaleza, Ceará, Nordeste, Brasil e Mundo.

diarioepoca.com   20/12/2020   Diario Epoca. Versión digital del periódico de mayor circulación en la provincia de Corrientes. Últimas noticias, titulares, suplementos y encuestas.

diarioextra.com   12/05/2016

diariofinal.com/INICIO_PERIODICO_FINAL.htm   10/05/2018   Periodico Final. El periodico de las Provincias y de los Dominicanos en el Exterior.

diariohoy.net   17/10/2020   Diario Hoy. En la noticia. Diario Hoy En la noticia, de La Plata para toda la provincia. La realidad tal cual es.

diarioti.com   21/04/2021

digithum.uoc.edu   09/06/2020   Digithum aplica una perspectiva relacional en l’anàlisi de les nostres experiències subjectives, els nostres vincles socials i el nostre patrimoni cultural.

digithum.uoc.edu/index.php/digithum   19/12/2016   DIGITHUM is an electronic journal produced by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the UOC and by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad de Antioquia which publishes contributions that apply a relational perspective on the analysis of processes of social inclusion and exclusion, subjective experiences, social bonds and cultural heritage and production / consumption.

dilemaveche.ro   24/06/2020   Dilema veche.

dnews.com   01/10/2020   Moscow-Pullman Daily News. News of the Palouse since 1911. Moscow, Idaho.

drunkard.com   02/01/2021   Modern Drunkard Magazine. Standing Up for Your Right to Get Falling Down Drunk Since 1996.

dziejaslou.by   24/06/2020   Дзеяслоў.