o _ s

observer.com   20/08/2021   Latest News and Trends. Observer is dedicated to truth, fairness and transparency. We are impartial and aim to present readers with the complete truth.

oglobo.globo.com   07/02/2022   Notícias sobre O Globo. O Globo. Fique atualizado com as principais notícias sobre O Globo e acompanhe tudo o que está acontecendo no Brasil e no mundo.

ojo.pe   3/14/2024   Diario OJO. Lo último, noticias de HOY Perú, último minuto.

ojs.aas.bf.uni-lj.si/index.php/AAS/index   10/05/2018   Acta agriculturae Slovenica je znanstvena revija za širše področje kmetijstva, ki jo izdajata Oddelek za agronomijo in Oddelek za zootehniko Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Letno izideta dva letnika.

oklahoman.com   24/08/2020   Oklahoma City News, Sports, Weather & Entertainment. Oklahoman is Oklahoma's most trusted source for breaking news, sports, weather, obituaries, politics, business, art, entertainment, blogs, video, photos and Oklahoma City headlines.

omaha.com   08/02/2022   Omaha World-Herald. Read the latest breaking Omaha News, and headlines for the Midlands Region of Nebraska, from the Omaha World-Herald. The latest local weather, crime, politics, events and more.

omirante.pt   16/12/2020   O Mirante é um semanário regional com sede em Santarém que tem como área prioritária de cobertura noticiosa os vinte e um concelhos do Distrito de Santarém e os concelho de Azambuja e Vila Franca de Xira no Norte do Distrito de Lisboa.

online.ucpress.edu/journals   1/30/2023   Journals Gateway. University of California Press. As one of the world's most forward-thinking publishers, UC Press gives voice, reach, and impact to innovative research and exceptional scholarship.

online.ucpress.edu/tph   1/30/2023   The Public Historian. University of California Press. Since 1978, The Public Historian has made its mark as the definitive voice of the public history profession, providing historians with the latest scholarship and applications from the field.

onlinelibrary.wiley.com   15/11/2020   Wiley Online Library. One of the largest and most authoritative collections of online journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences.

onlinemadison.com   6/18/2023   Madison County Journal. Community newspaper serving Madison, Ridgeland, Canton and Flora.

onmilwaukee.com   07/02/2022   OnMilwaukee is a highly-engaged, all-digital, award-winning entertainment publication, which illuminates everything from local personalities, news and events, to national pop culture moments.

openlettersreview.com   19/07/2020   Open Letters Review. Literary criticism, book reviews and recommendations, and essays on literature and culture.

oumma.com   27/03/2020   Oumma. Un regard musulman sur l’actualité. Oumma est un site d’information posant un regard musulman sur l’actualité et proposant des dossiers sur l’Islam et le monde musulman.

pacificpublishingcompany.com   30/09/2021   Pacific Publishing Company’s community newspapers serve Seattle’s most affluent neighborhoods with quality, award-winning journalism.

paleopolis.rediris.es   27/03/2020   Geoscience e-Journals. Online publications grouped under the aegis Geoscience e-Journals incorporate those peer-reviewed electronic journals dedicated to open access publishing in the field of Earth Sciences, that is those e-journals that permit free online access to all or at least a   major part of their current issue and/or archives.

panoramacultural.com.co   17/06/2021   Panorama Cultural. El periódico cultural de la Costa Caribe. El portal web que divulga en Colombia y Latinoamérica noticias, crónicas y reportajes sobre el folclor vallenato, cine, literatura, arte, música, historia, educación, turismo y sociedad. Elaborado en Valledupar con pasión.

papelenblanco.com   30/12/2020   Papel en Blanco. Nadando en libros, cómics y todo el mundo de las letras.

paradoxa.com   02/03/2022   Paradoxa is a peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical that publishes articles on genre literature: science fiction, horror, mysteries, children’s literature, romance, comic studies, the fantastic, the occult, westerns, oral literature, and more.

parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant.htm   19/07/2020   Tirant és una revista d'informació, investigació i comunicació científiques, que es proposa el manteniment des dels camps de la filologia, la història, lart i altres disciplines acadèmiques dun diàleg rigorós i fructífer al voltant de la novel·la de cavalleries valenciana i de la tradició prosística d'història i ficció catalana, hispànica, romànica i universal.

pbn.com   3/18/2022   Providence Business News is solely dedicated to serving the Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts business community.

pcrecordtimes.com   10/21/2022   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Wheatland, Wyoming. Platte County Record-Times. The best source for breaking and local news serving Wheatland, Platte County, and Southwestern Wyoming.

penobscotbaypress.com   02/02/2022   Penobscot Bay Press Community News. Penobscot Bay Press. Local news and information covering Blue Hill, Brooksville, Brooklin, Castine, Deer Isle, Isle au Haut, Penobscot, Sedgwick, Stonington and Surry, Maine.

pensar.org   05/12/2020   Pensar, revista iberoamericana para la ciencia y la razón, es una invitación al librepensamiento y al pensamiento crítico.

peregrinations.kenyon.edu   17/02/2022   Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art & Architecture. Topics of research include: medieval art and architectural history, as well as medieval history and religion that pertain to medieval visual culture.

periodicolacomuna.com.ar   08/08/2020

periodicoparatodos.com.ar   30/12/2020

physicstoday.scitation.org/journal/pto   21/07/2021   Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world.

pik.bg   18/05/2020   Новини от ПИК Информационна Агенция. Новини от България, новините от света, новини на всички теми. Информационна агенция ПИК.

piodeportes.com   10/7/2023   Pio Deportes TV. Radio. Medio de comunicación / noticias.

pirineos.revistas.csic.es/index.php/pirineos   26/01/2022

pjmedia.com   03/07/2020

plainsman.com   6/22/2023   The Daily Plainsman. The best source for breaking and local news serving Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, school sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public announcement.

plazm.com   20/08/2021   Brand Building, Graphic Design, Narrative Strategy. Portland + Bend, OR. Founded in Portland, Ore., in 1991 with the launch of Plazm magazine. Together with our clients, we solve design problems, tell stories, and seek out truth.

plekos.jimdofree.com   12/07/2020   Plekos ist eine Internet-Fachzeitschrift (ISSN: 1435-9626) für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike.

plus.maths.org/content   04/04/2020   Plus is an online magazine which aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.

poemeleon.me   02/03/2022   Poemeleon. A Journal of Poetry was founded by Cati Porter in December of 2005. Each issue is devoted to a specific kind of poetry.

pogled.info   18/05/2020   Поглед Инфо. Новини от България и света, анализи на български и международни анализатори, авторски предавания и интервюта. Следете всичко, случващо се по света и у нас в Pogled.

polipapers.upv.es   27/03/2020   PoliPapers es el portal de la Universitat Politècnica de València para impulsar la edición en abierto de revistas científicas digitales. Se enmarca dentro del compromiso de la Universitat Politècnica de València con el acceso abierto.

pontevedrarecorder.com   2/8/2024   The Ponte Vedra Recorder has been the essential source of community news and information for Ponte Vedra and Jacksonville Beaches residents and businesses since 1969.

popreport.com   10/05/2018   The Puerto Plata Report is an online newsmagazine offering regional news and visitors information for Puerto Plata, Sosua, Cabarete and the north coast of the Dominican Republic.

press-herald.com   07/11/2021   Minden Press-Herald Online. Your local news, sports, opinion and community headlines from Minden and Webster Parish.

pressofatlanticcity.com   07/11/2021

pressonline.rs   07/11/2021

presspectiva.org.il   07/11/2021

projects.seattletimes.com   10/6/2023   Seattle Times Interactive Graphics. Here's a list of Seattle Times projects with visually lead storytelling presentations covering local news to data investigations from our visual journalists.

prospect.org   21/06/2020   The American Prospect is devoted to promoting informed discussion on public policy from a progressive perspective.

psyche.co   2/9/2023   Psyche. On the human condition. Psyche is a digital magazine from Aeon that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.

publications.aap.org   4/16/2022   American Academy of Pediatrics. Dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

pubs.acs.org   07/10/2021   ACS Publications: Chemistry journals, books, and references published by the American Chemical Society. ACS Publications' commitment to publishing high-quality research continues to attract impactful publications from top authors around the globe.

pubs.geoscienceworld.org   27/03/2020   Geo Science World. A comprehensive resource for researchers in the Earth Sciences.

pubs.geoscienceworld.org/bssa   12/03/2022   Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Geo Science World.

pulsoslp.com.mx   8/29/2023   Pulso Diario de San Luis. Últimas noticias en San Luis Potosí, México y el mundo, sigue la información las 24 horas desde San Luis Potosí, Pulso San Luis es noticia.

pum.umontreal.ca   17/02/2022   Les presses de l'Université de Montréal. Les PUM éditent et diffusent quatre revues savantes qui appliquent les règles de l'arbitrage par les pairs et dont la grande qualité a été régulièrement reconnue par les comités spécialisés des organismes subventionnaires.

qualite-landes.fr   25/08/2020   Qualité Landes Magazine. Toute l’actualité de Qualité Landes.

queenannenews.com   30/09/2021   The Queen Anne & Magnolia News, published every Wednesday, is a community newspaper covering Seattle's Queen Anne and Magnolia neighborhoods. Circulation is 6,000.

quod.lib.umich.edu/g/gefame   28/06/2018   GEFAME - "GE" represents the Wolof word "Geestu", "FA" represents the important Arabic loan-words into Swahili of "fasihi" and "fahamu", and "ME" represents the Tigrigna word "Mesnaiti".

quod.lib.umich.edu/h/harpersweekly   16/02/2019   Harper's Weekly. A Journal of Civilization. Currently, this system contains the volume of Harper's Weekly for the year 1865. The remaining volumes will be added as they are digitized.

quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mfsg   28/11/2020   Michigan Feminist Studies is an interdisciplinary feminist journal published at the University of Michigan.

rapidcityjournal.com   4/4/2022   Rapid City Journal. Rapid City, South Dakota. In Up-To-The Minute Local News. Western South Dakota's no. 1 source for news.

rauli.cbs.dk   30/06/2021CBS   Open Journals er CBS Biblioteks tidsskriftsplatform, hvor CBS-tilknyttede forskningsmiljøer har mulighed for at udgive deres forskning. Tidsskrifterne på CBS Open Journals tilskyndes til Open Access-publicering.

reason.com   11/20/2022   Reason Magazine. Free Minds and Free Markets. Reason is the leading libertarian magazine and video website covering news, politics, culture, and more with reporting and analysis.

redie.uabc.mx/redie/index   10/09/2018   La REDIE publica artículos inéditos y arbitrados que abordan las prácticas educativas desde los distintos campos del saber, y desde perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas diversas.

remue.net   19/07/2020   Remue. Littératures contemporaines. Revue de littérature. Ceux qui l’animent ont en commun l’idée de la littérature comme acte et capacité de dire et d’inventer, récit du réel de ce monde (...).

republicadominicanalive.com   4/14/2022   República Dominicana Live. Noticias del Turismo y Desarrollo de RD.

rethinkingschools.aidcvt.com   22/10/2020   Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization dedicated to sustaining and strengthening public education through social justice teaching and education activism.

rethinkingschools.org   22/10/2020   Rethinking Schools began in 1986, when a group of Milwaukee education activists — teachers, teacher educators, and community members — met to talk about how they could bring more critical voices into the conversation about public schools and libraries. Inappropriate standardized testing was rampant. Racial bias infected every level of schooling.

rethinkingschools.org/magazine   10/01/2021   Magazine. Rethinking Schools.

revista.escaner.cl   05/12/2020   Escáner Cultural es una comunidad en red, una red de artistas, críticos y teóricos del arte que junto a su directora Marcela Rosen, constituyen una comunidad virtual, que mes a mes aporta gran cantidad y muy variados contenidos de primera fuente al ciber espacio.

revistababar.com/wp   08/06/2020   Babar, revista de literatura infantil y juvenil. Revista online de literatura infantil y juvenil: reseñas de libros, noticias, artículos, entrevistas, premios y concursos, enlaces.

revistacaracters-uv.es   12/6/2022   Caràcters és una revista quadrimestral d’informació literària que fou fundada a iniciativa de Vicent Alonso.

revistacinetica.com.br/nova   20/05/2021   Cinética. Cinema e crítica.

revistaclarin.com   21/07/2020   Revista Clarín. Revista de nueva literatura.

revistadecinema.com.br   31/08/2020   A Revista de Cinema circula desde 2000, tornando-se, em mais de uma década, o principal veículo de difusão do cinema brasileiro.

revistadecinema.uol.com.br   19/08/2017

revistadeletras.net   31/08/2020   Revista de Letras. La Revista de críticas de libros, entrevistas, reportajes, reseñas y noticias sobre el mundo literario.

revistadepatrimonio.es/index.php/erph   01/09/2020   Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico es una publicación científica semestral editada por el Grupo de Investigación HUM 220 del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada y dirigida a todos los ciudadanos, investigadores y profesionales interesados en la protección del Patrimonio Cultural.

revistadiners.com.co   30/09/2020   Revista Diners. Revista Colombiana de Cultura y Estilo de Vida.

revistadosamba.blogspot.com   19/08/2017

revistaelestornudo.com   13/01/2022

revistaemilia.com.br   31/08/2020   Revista Emília. Leitura e livros para pequenos e grandes leitores.

revistafabula.com   01/09/2020   Revista Fábula (ARLEA). Revista literaria para escritores que leen, para lectores que escriben. Desde 1996.

revistafabulas.com   19/08/2017

revistanueva.com   23/07/2018

revistaorsai.com   06/11/2020   La revista Orsai Digital es la hermana ansiosa de la mítica revista Orsai en papel. Crónicas y cuentos que se pueden escuchar.

revistas.csic.es   06/10/2020   Revistas electrónicas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC): revistas en acceso abierto de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ciencias Sociales, Arte y Humanidades.

revistas.laley.es/content/Inicio.aspx   08/09/2018   El Grupo Wolters Kluwer opera en el mercado portugués y español a través de Wolters Kluwer España, organización constituida por más de 800 profesionales cuya misión es el diseño, creación, producción y comercialización de soluciones integrales de información, conocimiento, formación, edición y software dirigidas a nuestros clientes en los mercados.

revistas.rcaap.pt/finisterra   15/08/2018   A Finisterra publica textos inéditos dedicados à investigação em diversas vertentes da Geografia física e humana, Recursos e Riscos ambientais, Planeamento regional e local, Ordenamento do território, Desenvolvimento regional e local, Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, entre outros temas.

revistas.uniandes.edu.co/journal/antipoda   27/03/2019   Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología es una publicación cuatrimestral que circula al inicio de cada periodo señalado, creada en 2005 y financiada por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes.

revistas.uniandes.edu.co/journal/res   06/10/2020   La Revista de Estudios Sociales (rev. estud. soc.) es una publicación indexada de carácter periódico que se acoge a criterios internacionales de calidad, posicionamiento, periodicidad y disponibilidad en línea.

revistasic.es   06/10/2020   Revista de Ciberseguridad, Seguridad de la información y Privacidad. SIC Ciberseguridad, seguridad de la información y privacidad es desde 1992 la revista española especializada en seguridad de la información y en seguridad de los sistemas tecnológicos de información y de comunicaciones de uso en organizaciones.

revistasonline.inap.es   30/06/2021   Publicación electrónica de las revistas del Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP).

revista-theomai.unq.edu.ar   04/02/2018   Revista Theomai es una publicación semestral de la Red de Estudios sobre Sociedad, Naturaleza y Desarrollo y el proyecto "Modos de Acumulación y Conflictos Sociales".

revistes.uab.cat/enrahonar   16/04/2020   Enrahonar. An international journal of theoretical and practical reason. Enrahonar és una revista acadèmica de filosofia fundada l’any 1981 i editada per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Departament de Filosofia).

revistes.uab.cat/web   16/04/2020   Directori oficial de revistes científiques de la UAB. Les revistes científiques reconegudes al directori oficial poden accedir als serveis oferts per la institució per a aquestes publicacions.

revistes.ub.edu/index.php/GEOACTA/index   25/11/2020   Geologica Acta. An international general Earth Science Journal providing an innovative and high-quality means of scientific dissemination.

revistes.ub.edu/index.php/index/about   10/02/2018   Revistes científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB) és el portal que recull les revistes científiques especialitzades en diversos àmbits temàtics, editades o coeditades per la Universitat de Barcelona.

revue24images.com   30/06/2021   24 images. Revue de cinéma. 24 images est une revue de cinéma québécoise qui propose quatre numéros thématiques par an ainsi qu'un site web, des balados et une boutique numérique.

rhodybeat.com   4/6/2023   Rhody Beat.

rialta.org   24/11/2020   Rialta Magazine. Revista de Cultura y Sociedad.

rireminder.com   4/6/2023   The Reminder. Coventry, RI.

riverreporter.com   31/07/2021   The River Reporter. Narrowsburg, NY.

robotics.sciencemag.org   09/08/2020   Welcome to Science Robotics! Whether fully autonomous or in close collaboration with humans, robots are becoming ubiquitous.

royalsociety.org/journals   22/11/2019

rpp.pe   1/27/2024   RPP. Últimas noticias del Perú y el Mundo sobre política, deportes, tecnología, economía, salud, ciencia, entretenimiento, cultura, y más en RPP Noticias.

rrj.ca   31/01/2021

rrobserver.com   5/13/2022   The Rio Rancho Observer is a locally owned and operated community newspaper, dedicated to serving the city of Rio Rancho and Southern Sandoval County through the highest professional business and journalistic standards.

rue-morgue.com   09/06/2020   Rue Morgue. Horror in Culture & Entertainment.

rumfordfallstimes.com   24/05/2018   Rumford Falls Times. Your Community, Your News.

saiic.nativeweb.org/ayn   06/07/2018

sandesh.com   3/14/2024   Sandesh, one of the leading Gujarati News paper. Get all the latest and breaking news about National, World, Sports, Entertainment, Elections, ModiSarkar etc in Gujarati.

sanvicentemisiones.com.ar   18/07/2020

scholarworks.iu.edu/journals   09/06/2017   IUScholarWorks Journals is a service of the Indiana University Libraries to support open access journal publishing at Indiana University.

science.sciencemag.org   24/07/2018   Science is a leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research. Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one million.

sciencepress.mnhn.fr/en/periodiques/geodiversitas   24/05/2019

sciencepress.mnhn.fr/fr   16/04/2020   Bienvenue sur le site Internet des Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Vous trouverez ici l'ensemble des collections et périodiques publiés par le Muséum.

screencrush.com   7/5/2022   ScreenCrush.

screenrant.com   21/01/2021   Screen Rant. Movie News, Movie Reviews, Movie Trailers, TV News. All the latest movie news, movie trailers & reviews - and the same for TV, too.

sekunde.lt/leidinys/sekunde   23/07/2021

sensesofcinema.com   11/12/2019   Senses of Cinema film journal. Founded in 1999, Senses of Cinema is one of the first online film journals of its kind and has set the standard for professional, high quality film-related content on the Internet.

shelterforce.org   30/07/2021   Shelterforce is an independent, nonprofit publication that supports (and sometimes challenges) the community development field. Montclair, NJ.

signal.baldwincity.com   4/4/2022   Baldwin City Signal. News and Information. Baldwin City, Kansas.

sincronia.cucsh.udg.mx   20/09/2019

siouxcityjournal.com   3/14/2024   Sioux City Journal. Read the latest Sioux City, Iowa and Nebraska news. Get breaking news, events and information on sports, weather, entertainment and more.

sitkasentinel.com/7   23/01/2022   Daily Sitka Sentinel. A home owned newspaper serving Sitka, Alaska, since 1940.

skyandtelescope.org   31/08/2020   Sky & Telescope. Astronomy News, Tools & Resources.

slate.com   11/20/2022   title>Slate Magazine is a daily magazine on the web and podcast network. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture.

smemagazine.asia   17/10/2017

smmirror.com   23/07/2018

socialism.com/freedom-socialist-newspaper   24/12/2020   Freedom Socialist Newspaper.

socialistworker.org   4/16/2022

sparkstrib.com   02/04/2021   The Sparks Tribune has been the community newspaper for Sparks since 1910. News, sports, community events, local and government coverage along with social events are what we are all about at the Sparks Tribune.

spokesman-recorder.com   5/30/2023   The Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder (MSR) enjoys a living legacy as the oldest Black-owned newspaper in the state of Minnesota and one of the longest-standing, family-owned newspapers in the country. The Voice of Black Minnesota since 1934.

starherald.com   08/02/2022   Scottsbluff Star-Herald. Read breaking news for the city of Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff County, and the Metropolitan Area of Nebraska. The latest weather, crime, politics, and more from the Scottsbluff Star-Herald.

stke.sciencemag.org   09/08/2020   Science Signaling is a weekly journal, publishing on Tuesdays, 51 issues a year.

stm.sciencemag.org   09/08/2020   Science Translational Medicine Mission: To promote human health by providing a forum for communication and cross-fertilization among basic, translational, and clinical research practitioners and trainees from all relevant established and emerging disciplines.

studiahermeticajournal.com   25/03/2017   Studia Hermetica Journal (SHJ) is a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the study of Hermetism and other ancient philosophical currents, like Middle Platonism, Neoplatonism, or Theurgy.

sunvalleyonline.com   21/08/2017

svinews.com   10/21/2022   SVI-NEWS. Your Source For Local and Regional News. Wyoming.

svpressa.ru   03/08/2020

sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de   30/10/2019