www.j _ www.n - (273 links).

www.jamaicaobserver.com   20/05/2020   Jamaica Observer: Jamaican News Online. Breaking news from the premier Jamaican newspaper, the Jamaica Observer. Follow Jamaican news online for free and stay informed on what’s happening in the Caribbean.

www.jaspersuntimes.com   27/07/2017

www.jendajournal.com   25/12/2017   Jenda: Journal of Culture and African Women Studies.

www.jlr.org   11/09/2018

www.jltonline.de   19/07/2020   Das Journal of Literary Theory ist ein Forum für Forschungsbeiträge aus dem Bereich der Literaturtheorie. JLT ist interdisziplinär angelegt und offen für alle literaturtheoretischen Ansätze. Das Journal of Literary Theory hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die verschiedenen Debatten im internationalen Raum zusammenzuführen und zu fördern.

www.jn.pt   01/11/2017   O Jornal de Notícias é um título incontornável no panorama da imprensa portuguesa. No Jornal de Notícias online acompanhe as notícias, os vídeos, os áudios e as infografias de toda a actualidade nacional, internacional e local.

www.jonesborosun.com   03/09/2017

www.jotdown.es   10/01/2018

www.journaldemontreal.com/24heures   23/10/2017

www.journal-news.net   03/05/2020   The Journal. Martinsburg, WV.

www.journalofelectronicpublishing.org   8/30/2020   The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) is an open access journal that publishes research and discussion about contemporary publishing practices, and the impact of those practices upon users. University of Michigan Library.

www.journaloftheoretics.com   28/12/2015   The Journal of Theoretics’ mission is to advance scientific inquiry and knowledge by publishing credible peer-reviewed articles in the field of Theoretics, free of charge and accessible to all.   Theoretics is the scientific field of endeavor which incorporates science, logic, and language, in order to develop, improve, and advance scientific theory.

www.journals.cup.org/action/displayJournal?jid=AFH   15/02/2016   The Journal of African History (JAH) publishes articles and book reviews ranging widely over the African past, from ancient times to the present.

www.journals.elsevier.com/behavioural-processes   04/12/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-geotechnics   30/06/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/continental-shelf-research   30/06/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/control-engineering-practice   13/05/2016   Control Engineering Practice strives to meet the needs of industrial practitioners and industrially related academics and researchers. It publishes papers which illustrate the direct application of control theory and its supporting tools in all possible areas of automation.

www.journals.elsevier.com/corrosion-science   30/06/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/drug-and-alcohol-dependence   30/09/2020   Drug and Alcohol Dependence is an international journal devoted to publishing original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and dependence.

www.journals.elsevier.com/earth-and-planetary-science-letters   01/05/2018   Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) is a leading journal for researchers across the entire Earth and planetary sciences community. It publishes concise, exciting, high-impact articles ("Letters") of broad interest.

www.journals.elsevier.com/earth-science-reviews   30/06/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/economics-and-human-biology   30/09/2020   Economics and Human Biology is devoted to the exploration of the effect of socio-economic processes on human beings as biological organisms. Research covered in this (quarterly) interdisciplinary journal is not bound by temporal or geographic limitations.

www.journals.elsevier.com/engineering-applications-of-artificial-intelligence   27/05/2017   Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are now being used by the practicing engineer to solve a whole range of hitherto intractable problems.

www.journals.elsevier.com/experimental-gerontology   30/06/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/food-quality-and-preference   20/01/2018   Food Quality and Preference is a journal devoted to sensory, consumer and behavioural research in food and non-food products. It publishes original research, critical reviews, and short communications in sensory and consumer science, and sensometrics.

www.journals.elsevier.com/geochimica-et-cosmochimica-acta   30/06/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/information-and-software-technology   26/05/2017   Information and Software Technology is the international archival journal focusing on research and experience that contributes to the improvement of software development practices. The journal's scope includes methods and techniques to better engineer software and manage its development.

www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-coal-geology   01/05/2018   The International Journal of Coal Geology deals with fundamental and applied aspects of the geology and petrology of coal, oil/gas source rocks and shale gas resources.

www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-environmental-economics-and-management   01/05/2018   The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management publishes theoretical and empirical papers devoted to specific natural resource and environmental issues.

www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-financial-intermediation   07/05/2017   The Journal of Financial Intermediation seeks to publish research in the broad areas of financial intermediation, investment banking, corporate finance, financial contracting, risk management and credit markets.

www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-mathematical-analysis-and-applications   08/05/2017   The Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications presents papers that treat mathematical analysis and its numerous applications.

www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-membrane-science   30/09/2020   The Journal of Membrane Science provides a focal point for academic and industrial chemists, chemical engineers, materials scientists, and membranologists working on membrane systems. The journal publishes original research and reviews on membrane transport, membrane formation/structure, fouling, module/process design, and processes/applications.

www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-molecular-and-cellular-cardiology   08/05/2017   The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology publishes work advancing knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for both normal and diseased cardiovascular function. To this end papers are published in all relevant areas.

www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-the-franklin-institute   24/09/2020   The Journal of The Franklin Institute has an established reputation for publishing high-quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics. Its current focus is on control systems, complex networks and dynamic systems, signal processing and communications and their applications.

www.journals.elsevier.com/neurobiology-of-learning-and-memory   08/05/2017   Neurobiology of Learning and Memory publishes articles concerned with neural and behavioral plasticity, including learning and memory and related aspects of neural adaptation, at all levels of analysis from molecular biology to behavior. Research areas include all areas of the neurobiology of learning and memory.

www.journals.elsevier.com/nitric-oxide   08/05/2017   Nitric Oxide includes original research, methodology papers and reviews relating to nitric oxide and other gasotransmitters such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide. Special emphasis is placed on the biological chemistry, physiology, pharmacology, enzymology and pathological significance of these molecules in human health and disease.

www.journals.elsevier.com/nuclear-physics-a   04/12/2014

www.journals.elsevier.com/organizational-behavior-and-human-decision-processes   08/05/2017   Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes publishes fundamental research in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and human cognition, judgment, and decision-making.

www.journals.elsevier.com/pesticide-biochemistry-and-physiology   08/05/2017   Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology publishes original scientific articles pertaining to the mode of action of plant protection agents such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and similar compounds, including nonlethal pest control agents, biosynthesis of pheromones, hormones, and plant resistance agents.

www.journals.elsevier.com/physics-letters-a   04/12/2014

www.journaltribune.com   27/03/2019   Biddeford Journal Tribune. The roots of the Journal Tribune date back to a pair of weekly political newspapers – the Union, founded in Saco in 1845, and the Eastern Journal, which was started in Biddeford a decade later. Over time, the papers combined into one, the Union and Eastern Journal, and operated under the ownership of Oliver Butler and his son John.

www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/analsci   05/01/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/amerjpoliscie   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/annalsstatistics   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/annaprob   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/annurevianth   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/bienrevianth   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/philpublaffa   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/shakquar   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/socialforces   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/technometrics   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journal/worldpolitics   19/11/2015

www.jstor.org/journals/0094582X.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/00948373.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/01621459.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/0277903X.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/03600572.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/03636917.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/0734306X.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/07416261.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/07429797.html   29/05/2014

www.jstor.org/journals/08834237.html   29/05/2014

www.juventudrebelde.cu   03/10/2016   Juventud Rebelde: Un periódico para la Juventud.

www.jweekly.com   18/10/2015   This Web site is owned and operated by j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California. J. is a weekly newspaper that traces its history back to 1896. Today the newspaper serves nearly 20,000 homes throughout Northern California.

www.kansas.com   26/08/2017

www.kansascity.com   26/08/2017

www.kckansan.com   26/08/2017

www.kearneyhub.com   03/05/2020   The Kearney Hub offers accurate and timely printed and digital news delivery to your doorstep, computer and mobile devices.

www.kentuckynewera.com   26/08/2017

www.kingstreenews.com   28/07/2017

www.kirkusreviews.com   20/02/2020   Kirkus Reviews. Book reviews, recommendations, and the latest literary news from the most trusted voice in book discovery, Kirkus Reviews.

www.kosmoslarissa.gr   14/05/2020   Κόσμος Λάρισα.

www.kstatecollegian.com   26/08/2017

www.kyotojournal.org   20/12/2016   Founded in 1986, Kyoto Journal (KJ) is a Kyoto-based non-profit, volunteer-driven quarterly magazine presenting thought-provoking insights from Kyoto, Japan and all of Asia.

www.kystandard.com   26/08/2017

www.lacasaazul.org/Archivos_Linden.html   09/01/2016   Archivos Linden. Linden Lane Magazine.

www.la-croix.com   02/03/2020   La Croix. Actualité en France, en Europe et dans le Monde. Découvrez l’essentiel de l’actualité : une information fiable, approfondie et mise en perspective. A la une : France, Monde, Culture, Religion, Economie, Sport.

www.ladepeche.fr   02/03/2020   La Depeche. Actualités en temps réel et l’info en continu. Toute l’actualité de Toulouse et sa région en direct, photos et vidéos avec La Dépêche du Midi. Retrouvez toutes les informations locales de la région Occitanie : faits divers, politique, sports, économie, loisirs.

www.ladiscusion.cl/diario   06/12/2015

www.laescuelamoderna.blogspot.com   11/01/2015   Amigos/as: La Escuela Moderna se acaba aquí. Au revoire. Good bye. Auf wiedersehen. Blog y fanzine desaparecen. ¡Nos vamos! Pero nos vamos matando, que se dice, presentando un número final del fanzine y emplazándoos a que nos acompañéis en este entierro vikingo.

www.laestrella.com.pa   17/02/2020   La Estrella de Panamá. Noticias de Panamá y el mundo. El primer periódico de Panamá fundado en 1849. Con noticias Nacionales e Internacionales.

www.lahora.com.ec   12/06/2018   Noticias nacionales, provincias y del mundo desde Ecuador. La información más actualizada. La Hora es un medio de comunicación liberal, laico, agnóstico e inclusivo y, por tanto, respetuoso y defensor de los Derechos Humanos. Nuestra actividad es la producción y venta de contenidos informativos.

www.lainsignia.org   09/08/2018   La Insignia es un diario digital independiente, laico y sin ánimo de lucro, que se publica en español y portugués. Financiado exclusivamente con las aportaciones de los miembros de su redacción, nuestro proyecto no cuenta con más recursos que el tiempo y el trabajo no remunerado de las personas que lo hacen posible.

www.lajiribilla.cu   03/10/2016   La Jiribilla es una revista sobre cultura cubana. Inserta en el espectro de los medios en Internet un punto de vista objetivo sobre la realidad cultural cubana, muchas veces manipulada o desconocida fuera de la Isla.

www.lamonomagazine.com   20/05/2018   Lamono magazine. Art&urban culture magazine. Revista digital e impresa. Agencia de branding y comunicación enfocada a un público creativo.

www.lamontagne.fr   02/03/2020   La Montagne. Premier média d’information locale et régionale en Auvergne et Limousin - actualités, faits divers, sports, loisirs, économie.

www.lanacion.com.ar   19/05/2016   LA NACION. Información confiable en Internet. Noticias de Argentina y del mundo. ¡Informate ya!.

www.lanacion.com.py   18/02/2020   Últimas noticias de Paraguay y el mundo, las 24 horas. La Nación. Noticias de última hora sobre la actualidad en Paraguay y el mundo: política, judicial, economía, investigación, deportes, vídeos, fotos y más en La Nación.

www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk   26/05/2018

www.lanouvellerepublique.fr   02/03/2020   Nouvelle République.

www.laopinion.com.co   18/02/2017

www.laopinion.es   18/02/2017

www.laopinion.net   18/02/2017

www.laopinioncoruna.es   15/09/2020   La Opinión A Coruña, noticias de A Coruña, Galicia, España y el mundo. Noticias de la ciudad de A Coruña con La Opinión A Coruña, Oleiros, Sada, Arteixo, Cambre, Culleredo, Betanzos.. y todos los concellos del área metropolitana con La Opinion. Información de actualidad sobre Galicia, España, el mundo, economía, cultura,... Última hora del Deportivo, Liceo y todo el deporte local.

www.laopiniondemalaga.es   18/02/2017

www.laopiniondemercedes.com.ar   31/01/2016

www.laopiniondemurcia.es   31/01/2016

www.laopiniondezamora.es   31/01/2016

www.laprensa.hn   16/05/2018   La Prensa es decano de los diarios impresos en Honduras.

www.laprensa.hn/cultura   16/05/2018   Cultura. Diario La Prensa. Noticias culturales de Honduras y del mundo.

www.laprovence.com   02/03/2020   L'actualité politique, OM, sorties, sports à Marseille, Aix, Avignon, Vaucluse et Alpes. La Provence. Avec La Provence, suivez en direct, en photos et en vidéos toute l'actualité politique, OM, sports, sorties de Marseille, Aix, Avignon, Vaucluse et Alpes.

www.larepubliquedespyrenees.fr   02/03/2020   La République des Pyrénées. Retrouvez toute l’actualité de Béarn et Soule sur La République des Pyrénées.

www.lascuolaitalica.it   22/05/2019   Associazione culturale Salvatore Notarrigo. Mondotre – La Scuola Italica. Rivista di epistemologia, di storia e filosofia della scienza, non accademica, ma di campo, promossa da studiosi ed insegnanti, uniti in associazione, senza fini di lucro.

www.latimes.com   13/06/2020   News from California, the nation and world. Los Angeles Times. The L.A. Times is a leading source of breaking news, entertainment, sports, politics, and more for Southern California and the world.

www.laverdad.es   03/07/2020

www.lavoixdunord.fr   02/03/2020   La Voix du Nord : Partageons plus que l'actualité régionale.

www.lavoz.com.ar   02/03/2020   La Voz. La Voz del Interior. Fundado el 15 de marzo de 1904.

www.lavozdeasturias.es   27/08/2020   La Voz de Asturias: todas las noticias de Asturias en la red. Toda la información de las principales ciudades: Avilés, Gijón, Oviedo y las noticias de las Cuencas y Comarcas.

www.laxarxa.com   10/09/2018   La Xarxa de Comunicació Local és una estructura de concertació, cooperació i coordinació de les capacitats productives dels mitjans audiovisuals de proximitat, creada l’octubre del 2012 per la   Diputació de Barcelona i gestionada per la Xarxa Audiovisual Local, SL (XAL).

www.leconomiste.com   01/11/2017   L'Economiste est le premier quotidien francophone du Maroc et le premier quotidien économique. Eco-Médias est le premier groupe d’information du Maroc. C’est un groupe privé qui compte dans son capital des investisseurs institutionnels et des personnes physiques, notamment les cadres dirigeants de l'entreprise.

www.leconomistemaghrebin.com   01/11/2017   Actualité économique, politique, financière en Tunisie et dans le monde. L'Economiste Maghrébin vous présente toutes les actualités et news économiques, politiques, financières et sociales dans la Tunisie et le monde.

www.ledauphine.com   16/11/2019   Le Dauphiné Libéré. Toute l’actualité en images et en vidéos en Rhône Alpes, autour de Grenoble, Annecy, Chambéry, Avignon, Valence et plus généralement en Isère, Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Ain, Drôme, Ardèche, Hautes-Alpes et Vaucluse avec petites annonces, carnet du jour.

www.ledonline.it/acme   19/06/2019   Led on Line. Acme. La rivista è quadrimestrale e accoglie articoli e studi su tutti gli argomenti che costituiscono materia d’insegnamento della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia.

www.leesvilledailyleader.com   18/09/2017

www.lefigaro.fr   11/12/2019   Le Figaro. Actualité en direct et informations en continu. Retrouvez toute l'actualité en France, à l'international, l'actualité économique et politique avec Le Figaro.

www.leighobserver.co.uk   02/07/2017   A Leigh, Greater Manchester perspective on news, sport, what's on, lifestyle and more, from your local paper the Leigh Observer.

www.leightonbuzzardonline.co.uk   03/05/2020   Leighton Buzzard Observer. A Leighton Buzzard perspective on news, sport, what's on, lifestyle and more, from your local paper the Leighton Buzzard Observer.

www.lelombard.com   19/07/2018

www.lematin.ch   06/12/2015

www.lematin.ma   06/12/2015

www.lematinal.com   06/12/2015

www.lematindz.net   06/06/2020   Bienvenue dans Le Matin d’Algérie, le site de l’information indépendante et du débat constructif et libre. Le Matin d’Algérie ambitionne de poursuivre la voie tracée par le quotidien algérien Le Matin, arbitrairement suspendu par les autorités algériennes depuis juillet 2004.

www.lemauricien.com   06/06/2020   Site Indépendant d’information et d’opinion. Le Mauricien.

www.lemonde.fr   01/03/2020

www.leonoticias.com   22/11/2019

www.leparisien.fr   02/03/2020   Actualités en direct et info en continu. Le Parisien. Retrouvez toute l’actualité en direct, en photos et en vidéo sur l’actualité politique, sociale, économique et sportive avec Le Parisien.

www.leprogres.fr   02/03/2020   Le Progrès.

www.lequipe.fr   02/03/2020   L'Équipe. L'actualité du sport en continu. Le sport en direct sur L'Équipe. Les informations, résultats et classements de tous les sports. Directs commentés, images et vidéos à regarder et à partager.

www.lescienze.it   07/03/2015   Le Scienze.it, il sito di Le Scienze, edizione italiana di Scientific American.

www.lesechos.fr   02/03/2020   Les Echos. Retrouvez sur Les Echos toute l’actualité économique et financière en France et dans le monde, découvrez des analyses exclusives, dossiers spéciaux, vidéos et podcasts. Actualités en direct, Économie, Finance, Politique.

www.letelegramme.fr   02/03/2020   Le Télégramme. Actualités et infos de Bretagne en direct. Actualité et infos en direct et en continu sur Brest, Lannion, Lorient, Quimper, Rennes, Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Malo, Vannes et les autres communes de Bretagne.

www.letraslibres.com   15/08/2018   Letras Libres es una revista mensual de crítica y creación, fundada en 1999 y heredera de la tradición y el ánimo de la revista Vuelta fundada por Octavio Paz.

www.lexingtonchronicle.com   08/06/2020   Lexington County Chronicle. Lexington, South Carolina.

www.lexpress.fr   28/05/2018

www.lhistoire.fr   24/06/2020   L'Histoire est le magazine de référence des passionnés d'histoire.

www.liberation.fr   16/11/2019   Toute l’actualité en direct, photos et vidéos avec Libération.

www.liberazione.it   21/06/2014   11   LIBERAZIONE. Giornale Comunista.

www.limite42.com   02/05/2018

www.lindependant.fr   02/03/2020   Actualités et infos de Perpignan et sa région. L’Independant. Toute l’actualité des Pyrénées-Orientales et de l’Aude en direct, photos et vidéos avec L’Indépendant. Retrouvez toutes les informations locales : faits divers, politique, sports, économie, loisirs.

www.linkiesta.it   18/08/2020   Linkiesta. Opinioni, analisi e approfondimenti sull'attualità politica, economica e culturale italiana e internazionale. Fondato nel 2011, diretto da Christian Rocca.

www.linred.es   15/08/2018   Lingüística en la Red nace con la intención de alcanzar varias aspiraciones. En primer lugar, promover, mantener y consolidar una revista de lingüística que muestre el desarrollo de las vertientes teórica y aplicada de la disciplina.

www.linternaute.com   26/03/2020   L'Internaute : actualité, loisirs, culture et découvertes. Actualité, voyages, photos, cinéma, restaurants, cartes de voeux, tv, musique, encyclopédie... Un magazine en ligne complet, pratique, ludique et gratuit pour tous !

www.linuxjournal.com   16/04/2020   Linux Journal covers all aspects of the world's most essential operating system and the emerging technologies adjacent to it. Our mission is to deliver a publication that reflects the principled approach followed by kernel developers and the tenets of Open Source philosophy.

www.lipidjournal.com   07/06/2018

www.liverpoolecho.co.uk   02/03/2020   Liverpool Echo: Latest Liverpool and Merseyside news, sports and what's on.Liverpool Echo, the very latest Liverpool and Merseyside news, sport, what's on, weather and travel. Plus the latest Liverpool FC and Everton FC news.

www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk   30/06/2020   Liverpool University Press is the UK’s third oldest university press, with a distinguished history of publishing exceptional research since 1899, including the work of Nobel prize winners.

www.llrx.com   26/10/2016   LLRX.com is a unique, free, independent, one woman published Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT, CI/BI, marketing, communications, Congressional, legislative, academic and administrative professionals, as well as students, with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of web research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools.

www.lne.es   25/10/2019

www.logbookmag.com   16/04/2020   LOGBOOK magazine. Great Aviation History. LOGBOOK is a quarterly print magazine that brings you the best in aviation history.

www.londonprogressivejournal.com   16/04/2020   London Progressive Journal (LPJ) is an online current affairs journal that covers news from a non-sectarian left wing perspective.

www.longwarjournal.org   03/10/2016   The Long War Journal is dedicated to providing original and accurate reporting and analysis of the Long War (also known as the Global War on Terror). This is accomplished through its programs of embedded reporters, news and news aggregation, maps, podcasts, and other multimedia formats. The Long War Journal is published by Public Multimedia Inc., a nonprofit media company.

www.lorgane.com   10/09/2018   L'Organe Magazine. Webzine d'information satirique, iconoclaste et pamphlétaire.

www.lospobresdelatierra.org   01/05/2017   L@s pobres de la tierra somos todas las personas que de alguna manera u otra hemos vivido y viviremos bajo la opresión política, cultural y económica de los gobiernos de las naciones que se han convertido en las dueñas y señoras del mundo.

www.lostiempos.com   09/11/2017

www.lrb.co.uk   17/03/2017   London Review of Books. The LRB is Europe’s leading magazine of books and ideas. Published twice a month, it provides a space for some of the world’s best writers to explore a wide variety of subjects in exhilarating detail – from culture and politics to science and technology via history and philosophy.

www.lr-online.de   08/06/2020   Lausitzer Rundschau. Das Nachrichtenportal der Lausitz.

www.lsunow.com   18/09/2017

www.luzernerzeitung.ch   04/05/2018

www.maajournal.com   12/12/2016

www.macworld.es   21/06/2018   Últimas noticias, tutoriales, reviews y articulos de Apple, Mac, iPhone y iPad - Macworld España.

www.madcoversite.com   08/04/2017

www.madmagazine.com   13/01/2015   Official site of this well-known, long-running satirical magazine.

www.magic-city-news.com   27/03/2019   Magic City Morning Star. Katahdin area news and opinion, covering the Penobscot County towns of Millinocket, East Millinocket, and Medway, Maine. Also includes a Katahdin region forum, a wiki, an online grocery, and other features relating to the Katahdin region of Maine.

www.maltatoday.com.mt   22/08/2019   Malta Today. The story behind the story. Malta Today is the 24/7 online newspaper renowned for its investigative and analytical journalism together with commentary, culture, sports and business.

www.malvern-online.com   03/09/2017

www.manilatimes.net   21/06/2014   The Manila Times Internet Edition.

www.manoramaonline.com/home.html   07/06/2018

www.marionrecord.com   26/08/2017

www.marketwatch.com   26/07/2020

www.maysville-online.com   26/08/2017

www.mcall.com   29/09/2020   The Morning Call. Lehigh Valley & Allentown PA News, Weather, Business & Sports. Lehigh Valley news, Allentown news, Bethlehem news, Easton news, Poconos news, Quakertown news and Pennsylvania news from The Morning Call.

www.mediafax.ro   01/11/2017   Mediafax este prima agenţie de presă independentă din România, care, din 1995, deţine poziţia de lider pe piaţa românească în furnizarea de fluxuri de ştiri şi informaţii în timp real. Din iulie 2007, prin relansarea site-ului Mediafax, agenţia şi-a extins publicul ţintă, adresându-se şi consumatorului final, nu doar sectorului business.

www.mediapart.fr   19/08/2017

www.medtrad.org/panacea.html   21/06/2014   El Escaparate de MedTrad – Panacea. Medicine and Translation Group.

www.mercurynews.com   06/01/2018

www.messenger-inquirer.com   26/08/2017

www.metaphysica.de   12/05/2020   The journal Metaphysica is published semi-annually. The journal aims to create an international forum for ontology and metaphysics in the analytical tradition, for readers all over the world. Metaphysica was founded in 1999 in Germany and is the only international journal specifically dedicated to ontology and metaphysics.

www.metropolismag.com   02/01/2016

www.mexconnect.com   10/11/2019   Mexconnect is an electronic magazine devoted to providing quality information about Mexico, and promoting Mexico to the world. The magazine is supported by a searchable and cross-indexed database of over 4,000 articles and 350 photo galleries of over 3500 photographs. It is a registered electronic periodical ISSN 1028-9089.

www.mfj-online.org   01/05/2017

www.michigandaily.com   16/08/2019

www.michigandaily.com/section/opinion   16/08/2019

www.midilibre.fr   02/03/2020   Actualités et infos de Montpellier et sa région. Midi Libre. Toute l’actualité de Montpellier et sa région en direct, photos et vidéos avec Midi Libre. Retrouvez toutes les informations locales : faits divers, politique, sports, économie, loisirs.

www.milenio.com   16/06/2020   Milenio. Noticias de hoy en México y el mundo: última hora y en vivo de temas nacionales, política, policiales, deportes, espectáculos y cultura. Mantente informado con Grupo Milenio.

www.milenio.com/monterrey   01/02/2016

www.mirror.co.uk   13/06/2020   Mirror Online: The intelligent tabloid.  All the latest news, sport and celebrity gossip at Mirror. Get all the big headlines, pictures, analysis, opinion and video on the stories that matter to you.

www.mobridgetribune.com   12/12/2016

www.modelairplanenews.com   01/01/2015

www.modelersite.com/en   11/06/2018   Scale Modelling Magazine. Modeler Site is the best source on the web for scale modeling!

www.monde-diplomatique.fr   09/06/2020   Le Monde diplomatique. Fondé en 1954 par Hubert Beuve-Méry, Le Monde diplomatique porte la marque d’une époque où tout paraît possible : les empires coloniaux vacillent, le tiers-monde s’assemble à Bandung pour opposer son unité aux grandes puissances de l’époque, les pensées émancipatrices s’épanouissent. Bientôt, elles soulèveront les populations, au Nord comme au Sud.

www.montgomerynews.com/springfieldsun   06/01/2018

www.mopo.de   26/03/2020   MOPO. Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Hamburg, der Welt, zum HSV und der Welt der Promis. Hamburger Morgenpost - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Hamburg, der Welt, zum HSV und der Welt der Promis.

www.morgenpost.de   08/04/2016   Berliner Morgenpost. Aktuelle Nachrichten und Hintergründe aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Sport aus Berlin, Deutschland und der Welt.

www.morgenweb.de   27/03/2018   Mannheimer Morgen

www.morgenweb.de/politik.html   27/03/2018   Politik. Mannheimer Morgen.

www.moriapoetry.com   17/03/2017   Moria is a poetry journal dedicated to experimental poetry and poetic theory. Experimental poetry web journal edited by William Allegrezza.

www.morningnewsmedia.com   27/07/2017

www.morningred.com/friend/index.html   17/03/2017   The Transcendental Friend is a (quasi-)monthly web journal of poetry & poetics, literature, art & criticism, published by Morningred.

www.morningstar.com   06/07/2020   Morningstar. Empowering Investor Success. Our independent research, ratings, and tools are helping people across the investing ecosystem write their own financial futures.

www.morpethherald.co.uk   02/03/2020   Morpeth Herald. A Morpeth perspective on news, sport, what's on, lifestyle and more, from your local paper the Morpeth Herald.

www.mtexpress.com   21/08/2017

www.mundoobrero.es   17/03/2017   Mundo Obrero.

www.myrtlebeachonline.com   28/07/2017

www.mytrimblenews.com   17/02/2018

www.naciodigital.cat   13/05/2020   Nació Digital. Diari digital líder en català. Actualitat i notícies de Catalunya.

www.naciodigital.cat/osona   09/01/2016   Notícies i actualitat d'Osona: Vic, Manlleu, Torelló, Centelles, Tona, Taradell.

www.nacional.hr   14/08/2018   Nacional je najutjecajniji politički tjednik u Hrvatskoj iza kojeg stoji 20 godina tradicije, jedinstven i prepoznatiljiv stil, te intrigantan sadržaj.

www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine   04/06/2020   National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic stories take you on a journey that’s always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating.

www.nationalpost.com/index.html   18/03/2017   National Post. Canadian News, Financial News and Opinion.

www.nature.com   25/05/2020   First published in 1869, Nature is the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by thought-leaders and decision-makers around the world.

www.nature.com/news   23/08/2018

www.nbcphiladelphia.com   04/03/2017

www.nbcsandiego.com   04/03/2017

www.nebraskalife.com   09/02/2020   Nebraska Life Magazine. Featuring countless interviews with talented and hardworking Nebraskans, as well as fascinating tales of our state's Wild past citizens; the best hand-picked recipes, exclusive contributions of executive chefs and executive picnic-organizers alike; and of course, stunning photography documenting every wonder-filled nook and cranny of our state.

www.nejm.org   05/05/2018   The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is the world’s leading medical journal and website. Published continuously for over 200 years, NEJM delivers high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive clinical content to physicians, educators, and the global medical community.

www.nepjol.info   30/09/2020   NepJOL is a database of journals published in Nepal, covering the full range of academic disciplines. The objective of NepJOL is to give greater visibility to the participating journals, and to the research they convey. NepJOL is managed by the Tribhuvan University Central Library and it is hosted by Ubiquity Press.

www.nepjol.info/index.php/DSAJ   30/09/2020   Official journal of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus, Baglung, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Dhaulagiri Journal is now accepting online submissions.

www.nepjol.info/index.php/HJS   30/09/2020   Himalayan Journal of Sciences was a peer-reviewed annual multi-disciplinary journal. HJS was dedicated to the promotion of scientific research, informed discourse, and enlightened stewardship of natural and cultural systems in the Himalayan region.

www.nepjol.info/index.php/HJSA   30/09/2020   The Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology aims to share knowledge related to the contemporary Nepalese Society and Culture and more specifically that of Pokhara and its vicinity. Full text articles available.

www.nepjol.info/index.php/HN   30/09/2020   HYDRO Nepal is published twice in a year by MEDIA for ENERGY NEPAL PVT. LTD. (MEN), a Subsidiary of Environmental Resources Group Pvt. Ltd. (eRG Nepal). Full text articles available.

www.nepjol.info/index.php/JIAAS   30/09/2020   The Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science will publish original research findings in the field of plant science, animal science, and social science. In addition, it may include research notes, short communications and book reviews.

www.nepjol.info/index.php/JNBS   14/05/2014

www.nepjol.info/index.php/JNCS   14/05/2014

www.nepjol.info/index.php/JNPS   14/05/2014

www.nepjol.info/index.php/NJOG   14/05/2014

www.nepjol.info/index.php/ON   14/05/2014

www.nepjol.info/index.php/OPSA   14/05/2014

www.neuewoertlichkeit.de   11/06/2018   Neue Woertlichkeit. Wir haben ein großes Ziel: Mehr gute Bücher. Wir wollen euch Lust aufs Lesen machen. Wir sind ehrlich, subjektiv und immer auf der Suche nach einem guten Buch. Wir rezensieren sowohl ältere Titel als auch Neuerscheinungen, gute Bücher und weniger gute, aus kleinen und großen Verlagen.

www.nevadaappeal.com   17/07/2018   The Nevada Appeal, the Silver State’s oldest daily newspaper, came into existence on May 16, 1865, under the ownership of local businessmen E.F. McElwin, J. Barrett, and Marshall Robinson, with editor Harry Mighels coming aboard a few days later. Named the Carson Daily Appeal.

www.newcriterion.com   04/01/2017

www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/What-was-the-Congress-for-Cultural-Freedom--5597   04/01/2017

www.newscientist.com   03/05/2020   New Scientist. Science news and science articles from New Scientist.

www.newsdemocratleader.com   26/08/2017

www.newsnow.co.uk/h   19/01/2018

www.newsofnepal.com   19/01/2018

www.newyorker.com   13/09/2017   The New Yorker is a weekly magazine offering a signature mix of reporting and commentary on politics, international affairs, popular culture and the arts, science and technology, and business, along with fiction, poetry, humor, and cartoons.

www.nhandan.org.vn   22/07/2018

www.nhinet.org/hum.htm   05/09/2016   HUMANITAS is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the invigoration of the humanities, including the social sciences properly understood.

www.nicsentinel.com   21/08/2017

www.nisc.co.za   06/06/2020   NISC (Pty) Ltd is a publisher of premier African scholarly research products that promote African scholarship to a global academic audience through print and digital publication, and dissemination using recognised international best practices. NISC (Pty) Ltd is an information supply enterprise that launched in 1995.

www.nmbtimes.com   28/07/2017

www.nmmagazine.com   18/03/2017   New Mexico Magazine is published monthly and features topics from around the Land of Enchantment, including our multicultural heritage, arts, climate, environment and diverse people. The award-winning magazine, in partnership with the New Mexico Tourism Department, also publishes the official New Mexico Vacation Guide and the International Vacation Guides.

www.nodulo.org/ec   10/09/2018   El Catoblepas, revista crítica del presente, inicia su andadura en marzo de 2002, publicada por nódulo materialista, y con una periodicidad mensual, con la novedad, entonces, de que todos sus contenidos ya podían ser consultados libremente por internet.

www.nordakpublishing.com   30/06/2020   NorDak Publishing. Our staff prides ourselves on being your hometown news! We are here for you. We strive to present an accurate and fair representation of our communities and businesses.

www.nordbayern.de   20/03/2019

www.nordicjbotany.org   19/06/2018   Nordic Journal of Botany was founded in 1981 and has since 2009 been published by the Nordic Society Oikos. Nordic Journal of Botany has conitnuous publication with 12 issues per year. Nordic Journal of Botany publishes original contributions on all aspects of the taxonomy, evolution, conservation, ecology and biogeography of plants (including algae and bryophytes) and fungi.

www.northdevonjournal.co.uk   01/02/2017

www.northjersey.com   31/10/2015

www.northplattebulletin.com   06/06/2017

www.northwaleschronicle.co.uk   25/05/2020   North Wales Chronicle, all the latest news and sport from Anglesey, Bangor, Caernarfon, Gwynedd and the Llyn Peninsula.

www.notatkiornitologiczne.pl   26/02/2016   Notatki Ornitologiczne. Notatki Ornitologiczne są kwartalnikiem wydawanym w języku polskim z angielskimi abstraktami.

www.novayagazeta.ru   15/01/2018

www.novecento.org   21/11/2017

www.nowiny.gliwice.pl   26/02/2016   Nowiny Gliwickie. Gazeta i portal dotyczący Gliwic i okolicy, info Gliwice, najświeższe informacje w mieście. Nowiny Gliwickie tygodnik najpopularniejszy w mieście ukazuje się w Gliwicach i powiecie gliwickim.

www.nowiny.media.pl   26/02/2016   Nowiny.Media. Gazeta internetowa. Obraz jest jedną z najdoskonalszych form przekazywania treści. W jednej chwili, za sprawą zwykłego zdjęcia, otrzymujemy setki informacji o fotografowanym.

www.nptelegraph.com   03/05/2020   North Platte Nebraska's Newspaper. Your source for news in North Platte.

www.nst.com.my   09/01/2016   New Straits Times: Authoritative source for Malaysia latest news on politics, business, sports, world and entertainment.

www.ntnu.no/gemini/2006-01e   21/06/2014   Gemini. Research news from NTNU and SINTEF.

www.ntnu.no/gemini/arkiv_engelsk.html   21/06/2014   Gemini. Research news from NTNU and SINTEF.

www.nuevodiario.co   09/05/2018   Nuevo Diario. Periódico colombiano digital e independiente. Periódico digital de opinión, con noticias nacionales, políticas y culturales.

www.nwaonline.com   03/09/2017

www.nybooks.com   17/04/2020   The New York Review of Books. With a worldwide circulation of over 135,000, The New York Review of Books has established itself, in Esquire‘s words, as “the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language.”

www.nydailynews.com   29/09/2020   New York Daily News. Find breaking US news, local New York news coverage, sports, entertainment news, celebrity gossip, autos, videos and photos at nydailynews.

www.nytimes.com   24/08/2020   The New York Times: Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, cars & more at nytimes.

www.nytimes.com/pages/world/africa/index.html   21/06/2014   News from Africa & Middle East from The International Herald Tribune, the world’s daily newspaper online.

www.nytimes.com/section/us   02/07/2018   U.S. The New York Times.

www.nytimes.com/section/world   02/07/2018   World. The New York Times.

www.nytimes.com/video   26/12/2014   Video on demand from the New York Times.

www.nzgeographic.co.nz   06/11/2015   New Zealand Geographic. A magazine for New Zealand, celebrating our people, places, wildlife and environment for two decades.

www.nzherald.co.nz   06/11/2015   NZME. (New Zealand Media and Entertainment) is New Zealand’s premier integrated media company, with a portfolio of market leading newspaper, radio, digital and magazine titles, including New Zealand’s leading metropolitan newspaper, The New Zealand Herald.

www.nzjf.org   09/02/2016   New Zealand Journal of Forestry is a peer-reviewed journal publishing forestry research relevant to New Zealand/Aotearoa and the South Pacific. It has been published since 1925 (as Te Kura Ngahere until 1936). Full text articles are now available as PDF files for all issues.

www.nzma.org.nz/journal   22/04/2015   The New Zealand Medical Journal is the principal scientific journal for the profession in the country. The New Zealand Medical Association was formed more than a century ago. Its inaugural meeting was held in Otago in 1886. Ten years later, the Association became affiliated with the British Medical Association (BMA), and remained a branch of the BMA until 1967.

www.nzz.ch   09/03/2020   Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Aktuelle News, Hintergründe & mehr. NZZ Nachrichten, Hintergründe, Meinungen aus der Schweiz, International, Sport, Digital, Wirtschaft, Auto & mehr. Fundierte Berichterstattung rund um die Uhr.